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Content of the lesson. Содержание урока.

Part 1. Introduction (введение)
Part 2. Phonetic drills (фонетические упражнения) - you are here
Part 3. Revision (повторение)
Part 4. New useful words and practice (новый материал и практика)
Part 5. Listening and discussion (аудирование и работа с форумом)
Part 6. Reading for pleasure (чтение для удовольствия)
Part 7. Final part (заключительная часть)
Part 8. Progress list (результаты прохождения урока)

Part 2. Phonetic drills

Welcome to the second part of our distance lesson "Let's do shopping!"
Do you like singing?
Let’s do it now!
Listen to this funny easy song and catch all things you can buy at the supermarket. Try to sing this song with a singer.

So, which of the products from the list below have you heard in the song? Tick the right variants.


Go to the next part of the lesson - Part 3. Revision

Содержание урока:
part 1(introduction) // part 2 - you are here // part 3 // part 4 // part 5 // part 6 // part 7 (final) // part 8 (results)

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