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Test 6.3 - Words connected with films

Gap-fill exercise. Read the definitions and choose the words from the list.

List of words:
actor or actress, cameraman , cast, director , editor , lighting man (gaffer) , multiplex , photographer, plot , producer , production designer , release , script , scriptwriter, sound track , special effects, studio , stunt man , trailer

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers.
- someone who takes photographs, especially as a professional or as an artist
- someone whose job is to control the preparation of a play, film, or broadcast, but who does not direct the actors
- someone who is the chief of a movie production in all logistical matters ( scheduling, budgeting)
- all the people who perform in a play, film etc
- someone who writes the stories and words for films or television programmes
- someone who performs in a play or film
- someone who is responsible for a film's overall design, visual look and composition (colors, sets, costumes, scenery, locations, etc.)
- the recorded music from a film
- the events that form the main story of a book, film, or play
- the written form of a speech, play, film etc
- someone who prepares a film, television programme, or sound recording for broadcasting by deciding what to include and checking for any mistakes
-to make a CD, video, film etc available for people to buy or see
-the person who gives instructions to the actors and other people working on a film or play, who is responsible for complete artistic control
- someone who operates a camera for films or television
- the person who is in charge of the lighting in making a cinema film
- a cinema that has several different rooms in which it can show films
- a film company or the buildings it owns and uses to make its films (ex. Hollywood)
-a man who is employed to take the place of an actor when something dangerous has to be done in a film
- a short film advertising another film
- unusual sounds or images in films created artificially and using new technology

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