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Test № 18
Past Simple or Past Continuous

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers.
Read the following story, and put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (the Past Simple or the Past Continuous)

New Words

To wave – махать (рукой)
To approach - приближаться
Roar – рев, грохот
To rush – мчаться, нестись
To splash – забрызгивать


Venice, with its many ancient buildings 1) (look) beautiful on such a clear summer's day.
The sun 2) (shine) brightly over the calm waters when James and Elsa 3) (reach) the Grand Canal, where a gondola 4) (wait) for them.
- I thought I'd surprise you with a boat ride, said James.
While they 5) (travel) along the canal, they 6) (stop) a few times so that Elsa 7) (can) admire the wonderful churches and monuments.
Their guide helpfully 8) (tell) them the name of each place.
When other boats 9) (pass) them, their cheerful passengers 10) (wave) and 11) (smile) at the happy couple.
Laughter, music and the delicious smell of Italian cooking filled the air.
When they 12) (approach) Rialto Bridge, they suddenly 13) (hear) a loud roar.
A motorboat 14) (speed) towards them!
As it 15) (rush) past, a huge wave 16) (splash) James and Elsa with dirty canal water.
The guide 17) (fall) backwards and 18) (shout) angrily at the people in the motorboat.
"Oh dear," 19) (laugh) James.
"Perhaps a gondola ride 20. (not / be) such a peaceful and romantic idea after all!"

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