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контрольного задания Lesson 5

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итогового задания для урока 5 (Summer Course 2010)

Words easy to confuse

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1) Выбери правильный вариант, впиши его в окошко.

1. It's to read; I don't understand it at all.
enough difficult \\ too difficult \\ difficult enough
2. They didn't sell to make it worthwhile.
tickets enough \\ enough tickets \\ too tickets
3. It's not to sort things out.
enough late \\ late enough \\ too late
4. He ate and felt ill.
enough much \\ much enough \\ too much
5. It's to walk- I'll take the bus.
enough far \\ far enough \\ too far \\ too much far

2) Дополни предложения словами too/enough и подходящим прилагательным. Помни о порядке слов.

1) Ally isn’t to enter the University.
2) The fish was not to eat.
3) The sea was to swim in.
4) The wall was to climb. I got scared.
5) This shirt is to fit me. I need a bigger size.
6) Lena is to become a doctor.
7) He is to help his parents.
8) My house isn’t to invite guests.

3) Переведи предложения, используй too//enough

1. Платье было слишком дорогое, поэтому я его не купила.

2. Она не достаточно здорова, чтобы ехать туда.

3. Ты слишком много говоришь.

4. Там было слишком много людей.

5. У меня не достаточно денег.

6. Экзамен слишком сложный для меня.

4) Дополни подходящими словами

1. (there// their // they're) going to (there// their // they're) friends’ house.
2. (there// their // they're) late every day.
3. What did you ( sea // see) over (there// their // they're).
4. There are ( to // two // too) houses (four // for) sale.
5. We were ( to // two // too) scared ( to // two // too) drive.
6. I ( new // knew) that she wanted ( to // two // too) play chess.


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